Shop Drawing

Shop Drawing and Why Do We Need

Shop drawings (technical or fabrication drawings) show how a contractor will achieve a project’s design objective, simplify compliance, and give crucial schematics, timelines, and other data. They’re essential to construction. These plans will direct the manufacturing of the project’s steel, concrete, windows, and elevators. Shop drawings contain dimensions, measurements, and directions, so each design component fits as intended. It shows how designer-requested project components will be made, assembled, and installed. They fuel a shared vision that unites complex construction projects, Horizos IPM UK is able to provide Shop drawings for construction projects.

Shop Drawing Benefits and Tips for Success

Shop drawings minimize project costs, improve efficiency, and speed up delivery. They represent the building’s original intended design and reduce misunderstandings and mistakes during construction.

Project requirements should specify which shop drawings need consultant evaluation. Shop drawings must reflect judgments taken after studying the designers’ drawings, contracts, and other specifications.

Shop drawings should show how site circumstances differ from contract documents. This check ensures that what is made off-site or built onsite fulfils the design intent in the contract documents and that the general contractor and trades understand the project requirements. Before submitting to consultants, contractors must review shop drawings as this save’s contractors time reviewing rejected drawings.

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